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Teilkoordination und Bearbeitung von öffentlich geförderten Forschungs- sowie Industrieprojekten, u.a.:
Artikel in referierten Zeitschriften:
Fricke, Antje, Pieper, Nadine, & Woisetschläger, David. M. (2024). Smartness unleashed: a multilevel model for understanding consumers' perceptions and adoption across a myriad of smart offerings. Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 34(2), 163-190. https://doi.org/10.1108/JSTP-12-2022-0269.
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge:
Fricke, Antje; Pieper, Nadine & Woisetschläger, David M. (2022): How product characteristics shape the perception of product smartness. Vortrag auf der International Conference on Challenges in Managing Smart Products and Services – CHIMSPAS, Bielefeld, Germany.
Fricke, Antje; Pieper, Nadine & Woisetschläger, David M. (2021): The impact of smartness and characteristics of smart products – a multi-level analysis. In: Proceedings of the 28th IPDMC: Innovation and Product Development Management Conference, Milan, Italy. (Online-Konferenz)
Navrátilová, Kristýna; Tichý, Tomáš; Fricke, Antje; Woisetschläger, David M.; Sedlák, Jan & Ivasienko, Petr. (2021). Application of Mobility Hub for automatic parking in the city. In 2021 Smart City Symposium Prague (SCSP) (pp. 1-7). IEEE.
Fricke, Antje; Pieper, Nadine & Woisetschläger, David M. (2020): How (differently) are smart products perceived? – An empirical investigation. In: Proceedings of the 2020 EMAC Regional Conference, Zagrab, Croatia. (Online-Konferenz)
Fricke, Antje; Pieper, Nadine & Woisetschläger, David M. (2020): How (differently) are smart products perceived? – An empirical investigation. Accepted to the 2020 EMAC Conference, Budapest, Hungary. (abgesagt aufgrund von COVID-19)
Fricke, Antje; Pieper, Nadine & Woisetschläger, David M. (2020): Smart products: definition, facets, and differences. In: Proceedings of the 2020 AMA Winter Academic Conference, San Diego, CA, USA.
Fricke, Antje; Pieper, Nadine & Woisetschläger, David M. (2019): Security concerns as barriers of smart product acceptance: The case of automated parking. Vortrag auf der International Conference on Challenges in Managing Smart Products and Services – CHIMSPAS, Bielefeld, Germany.