
Hänsel, F.; Zhou, Y.; Poliak, J.; Schnieder, E.:
An Approach for Formal Modelling of Concepts of Transportation and Metrology Standards.
In: Schnieder, E.; Tarnai, G., Hrsg.: Proceedings of Symposium FORMS/FORMAT - Formal Methods for Automation and Safety in Railway and Automotive Systems, S. 111-118, Budapest, Hungary, October 2008.


The clear and explicit description of the knowledge contained in technical standards is neccesary to enable and enhance the communication between different groups. Because of the ambiguity of the natural languages, a formal representation of the knowledge seems promissing to find a basis for a common communication.This aims to the application of standards to complex systems and as well because of the increase of interoperation between different domains or professions. On the background of the application of satellite based localisation enabled by GPS and the upcomming european system GALILEO, this paper sketches an approach to describe terms and processes contained in technical standards. An outlook towards the extension to the concepts of metrology is given.