
Wegele, S.; Slovak, R.; Drewes, J.; Schnieder, E.; Baselt, K.:
Optimale Zugtrassenplanung mittels genetischer Algorithmen.
Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium Zel 2003, S. 114-123, Teil 1, Zilina, 2003. 10th International Symposium Zel 2003, 27.-28.05.2003, Zilinský vzdelávaci servis.


Considering the German transportation growth prognosis (Verkehrsprognose für die Bundesverkehrswegeplanung) for the year 2015 the rail traffic performance has to improve drastically in order to avoid an estimated traffic chaos on German roads . According to this it is necessary to encourage especially the competitiveness of rail traffic. Therefore the advantages of road traffic 'flexibility and punctuality' have to be competitively implemented in rail traffic. Presently the railway management is based on a centralized implementation of railway operation, which has to be optimized in order to handle the upcoming growth of transportation. This task can be performed by automated train path routing procedures based on mathematical optimizations. This paper shows an approach using genetic algorithms. The application of this stochastic optimization procedure requires a highly efficient simulation of railway operations, which in the present case is been implemented by using Petri-nets. On the bases of a practical case study the possible fields of application for this prototypical implemented procedure of train path routing are presented.