Biogeochemical Cycling

Course content

Students will become familiar with the geochemical analysis of environmental systems using various techniques, tools and strategies. Through the application of these techniques and strategies, students will gain a deeper understanding of environmental geo-chemical processes at different temporal and spatial scales, including, in particular, the differentiation and quantification of anthropogenic versus natural processes. 

Biogeochemical basics Trace element and nutrient cycles. Environmental geochemical case studies on different spatial and temporal scales. Biogeochemical processes and control variables, mass transport in limnetic systems, delivery area analysis. Application of isotope methods in UGC. Signal formation in recent limnetic systems, signal transmission from geochemical archives. 

Course information

Code 1514029
Degree programme(s) Environmental Sciences
Lecturer(s) and contact person Prof. Dr. Biester; Dr. Pérez Rodríguez
Type of course Lecture + exercise course
Semester Winter semester
Language of instruction English if requested
Level of study Master
ECTS credits 6
Contact person Prof. Dr. Biester