ISU | Metapolis Team nimmt an internationaler Konferenz URP2020 teil

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In der Hybrid-Konferenz, die teils in Leipzig, teils online durchgeführt wird, stellt das Team der TU Braunschweig mit Prof. Vanessa Carlow (ISU) und Ann-Kristin Mühlbach (IGS) am 26. November ab 13:30 Uhr (Parallel Sessions, Track 2) aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse aus dem METAPOLIS-Projekt vor. Die Konferenz richtet sich an ein Fachpublikum, Anmeldungen können über die Seite der URP2020 vorgenommen werden.

METAPOLIS team presents research findings at the conference "Sustainable & Resilient Urban-Rural Partnerships – URP2020" (26-27 November 2020).

Regions are of critical importance to implement the UN 2030 Agenda including the Sustainable Development Goals, the HABITAT III objectives and the European Green Deal. The conference "Sustainable & Resilient Urban-Rural Partnerships – URP2020" will take place under the auspices of the German Federal Minister of Education and Research as a hybrid conference on 26 – 27 November 2020. Focusing on sustainable and resilient urban-rural partnerships, the conference is an integral part of Germany’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union, which has been in effect since July 2020.

URP2020 conference will bring together outstanding keynote speakers and connect scientific insights with enlightening experiences of on-going projects in practice. Join a stimulating conference, which fosters learning on various territorial levels, for example from the local level to the broader European perspective of integrated urban-rural development.

Representing the METAPOLIS Team, Vanessa Miriam Carlow (Institute for Sustainable Urbanism ISU, TU Braunschweig), Ann-Kristin Mühlbach (Institute for Building Services and Energy Design IGS, TU Braunschweig) IGS and Malte Möck (Institute of Comparative Politics and Public Policy CoPPP, TU Braunschweig (till 2020); now Humboldt-University Berlin) will present some of the most interesting findings of their joint research project.

The presentation is part of the joint session “Urban (re)growth and urban-rural linkages in a regional scope applying a cross-European approach” co-chaired by Vanessa Miriam Carlow, TU Braunschweig and Dieter Rink Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ. In doing so, it includes two different perspectives. In a first part will focus on regrowing cities and/or urban regions and discuss related opportunities and challenges. In a second part, we will discuss central findings of the METAPOLIS research project funded 2016 -2021 by the Lower Saxony Ministry for Science and Culture (VW Vorab). This includes questions of mobility, landscape ecology, urban climatology and hydrology, political and social networks, energy and resource consumption, settlement patterns leading to novel planning instruments and scenarios for the future development of the urban-rural linkages.

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