Prof. Dr. Eckehard Liske

Prof. Dr. Eckehard Liske

Adjunct Professor at TU Braunschweig (Zoological Institute)

Email: e.liske[at]

Studies of biology - zoology – with emphasis on human and animal physiology at
the Technical University of Darmstadt, graduated with ”Diplom” and where he
also received his PhD-degree

Postdoctoral research fellow at international universities (Oregon and California,
USA) and national research institutes (Max-Plank-Institut, Seewiesen, Bavaria,
Germany) and finally qualification as University Lecturer (”Habilitation”) with
award of the Venia legendi for Zoology (degree: Privatdozent/”private lecturer”)
at the Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany

More than 20 years experience in the pharmaceutical industry responsible for
medical and scientific issues in the natural (herbal) treatment of gynaecological
and psychological disorders. Holds various positions such as Head of
International Medical Department.

Invited speaker and lecturer (“Rationale Phytotherapy”) of gynaecological and
psychological complaints and their treatment on national and international drug
symposia and congresses (Germany, Europe, Americas, Asia, Australia, Africa).
On several international radio- and television shows on herbal treatment in

Further education (seminars and lectures) for physicians (mainly GP and
gynaecologists) in the field of natural treatments - rational herbal medicines.
At the TU Braunschweig, teaching in  teaching in animal and human physiology,
and currently involved in the bachelor degree program for biology students.

More than 50 papers on Phytotherapy, primarily on gynaecological issues,
as well as academic papers with special emphasis to behavioural physiology of insects.