Alex Rieger, M.Sc.

Alex Rieger, B.Sc.
TU Braunschweig - Institute of Psychology Methodology and Biopsychology (IPMB) Spielmannstraße 19 - 38106 Braunschweig

Academic Background

2020 Bachelor of Science in Psychology (TU Braunschweig)

Title of the bachelor thesis: Formale Modellierung in den Verhaltenswissenschaften am Beispiel operanter Verhaltensselektion.

2022 Master of Science in Psychologie (TU Braunschweig)

Title of the master thesis: A conceptual replication and theoretical extension of a naturalistic experiment for the horizontal- vertical illusion effect by means of a formal mathematical model.

Research Interests

Theory-based and formal models in the behavioral sciences

General theoretical approaches to the description and explanation of behavior


Rieger, A., Hartung, A. & de Haan, J. (2021). Der Partnerwert liegt in der Fitnessfunktion des Betrachters. Poster presented at the MVE conference, Braunschweig.