since 2024 Alexander von Humbold Full Professor (W3) for “Distributed Metrology”
at Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany
2019 – 2024 Full Professor for “Electronic Technology”
at Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
since 2018 Founder and Scientific Advisor at ColorSensing SL, Spain
2014 – 2019 Associate Professor at Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
2010 – 2014 Tenured Lecture Professor
2011 Master in University Teaching, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
2009 – 2010 Postdoctoral Fellow at Catalonia Institute for Energy Research, Spain
2009 PhD: Modelling of the Chemical and Light Interactions in Individual Metal Oxide Nanowires for Sensing Applications”, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Albert Cirera, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
2009 Electronic Engineer, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
2007 Master in Nanscience and Nanotechnology, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
2005 Bachelor in Physics, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
Academic Distinctions
since 2024 Alexander von Humboldt Professorship at TU Braunschweig
2020 ERC Proof-of-Concept (“Stick-n-Sense”)
2019 – 2022 Invited Chair Professor at the Tianjin Polytechnical University
2018 ICREA Academia Award
2017 Eurosensors Fellow
2016 ERC Proof-of-Concept (“GasApp”)
2014 ERC Starting Grant (“BetterSense”)
Activities in the Research System
since 2014 EU Project Coordinator: 3x ERC, 2x FET Proactive, 3x Eureka Eurostars
since 2013 Evaluation Panel Member and reviewer for: Spanish, German, Swiss, Polish, and Israeli National Science Foundations and the European Commission (+300 projects evaluated)
2011 – 2023 Academic Secretary of the Dept. of Electronics, Universitat de Barcelona
since 2009 Reviewer for major scientific journals (30 JRC journals, +200 papers)
Scientific Record
Articles in refereed journals: +115
Proceedings and books: 20
Contributions to conferences: +250
Invited Talks: 35
H-Index: 42 (Google Scholar)
Total citations: +6300 (Google Scholar)
Patents: 9 (2 licensed under exploitation)
Start-ups founded: 2
Projects managed: 47 Projects Coordinated
(12 International / 21 National / 14 Contracts with Industry)
Own funding acquired: 11.1 million € (4.8 M€ International / 5.1 M€ National / 200 k€ Industry)
Scientific Results
B. Martinez, M. Monton, I. Vilajosana, J.D. Prades, “The power of models: Modeling power consumption for IoT devices” IEEE Sensors Journal (2015) 15, 5777-5789. Citations: 385
J.D. Prades, R. Jimenez-Diaz, F. Hernandez-Ramirez, S. Barth, A. Cirera, A. Romano-Rodriguez, S. Mathur, J.R. Morante. “Ultralow power consumption gas sensors based on self-heated individual nanowires” Applied Physics Letters (2008) 93, 123110. Citations: 243
J.D. Prades, R. Jiménez-Díaz, F. Hernandez-Ramirez, S. Barth, A. Cirera, A. Romano-Rodriguez, S. Mathur, J.R. Morante. “Equivalence between thermal and room temperature UV light-modulated responses of gas sensors based on individual SnO2 nanowires” Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (2009) 140, 337-341. Citations: 242
H.S. Wasisto, J.D. Prades, J. Gülink, A. Waag. “Beyond solid-state lighting: Miniaturization, hybrid integration, and applications of GaN nano-and micro-LEDs” Applied Physics Reviews (2019) 6, 041315. Citations: 258
J.D. Prades, F. Hernandez-Ramirez, R. Jimenez-Diaz, M. Manzanares, T. Andreu, A. Cirera, A. Romano-Rodriguez, J.R. Morante. “The effects of electron–hole separation on the photoconductivity of individual metal oxide nanowires” Nanotechnology (2008) 19, 465501. Citations: 204
J.D. Prades, R. Jimenez-Diaz, F. Hernandez-Ramirez, L. Fernandez-Romero, T. Andreu, A. Cirera, A. Romano-Rodriguez, A. Cornet, J.R. Morante, S. Barth, S. Mathur. “Toward a systematic understanding of photodetectors based on individual metal oxide nanowires” The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2008) 112, 14639-14644. Citations: 159
M.W.G. Hoffmann, L. Mayrhofer, O. Casals, L. Caccamo, F. Hernandez‐Ramirez, G. Lilienkamp, W. Daum, M. Moseler, A. Waag, H. Shen, J.D. Prades. “A highly selective and self‐powered gas sensor via organic surface functionalization of p‐Si/n‐ZnO diodes” Advanced Materials (2014) 26, 8017-8022. Citations: 123
O. Casals, N. Markiewicz, C. Fabrega, I. Gràcia, C. Cané, H.S. Wasisto, A. Waag, J.D. Prades. “A Parts Per Billion (ppb) Sensor for NO2 with Microwatt (μW) Power Requirements Based on Micro Light Plates” ACS sensors (2019) 4, 822-826. Citations: 102
C. Fàbrega, O. Casals, F. Hernández-Ramírez, J.D. Prades. “A review on efficient self-heating in nanowire sensors: Prospects for very-low power devices” Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (2018) 256, 797-811. Citations: 82
N. Markiewicz, O. Casals, C. Fabrega, I. Gràcia, C. Cané, H.S. Wasisto, A. Waag, J.D. Prades. “Micro light plates for low-power photoactivated (gas) sensors” Applied Physics Letters (2019) 114, 053508. Citations: 52