TU Braunschweig
IGÖ - Abt. Umweltgeochemie
Langer Kamp 19c
38106 Braunschweig
I am an environmental geochemist interested in the biogeochemical cycling of trace elements and inorganic pollutants in limnic systems with a focus on peatlands and lakes. Working in these geochemical archives, I am particularly interested in the formation of environmental and climatic signals related to the distribution of trace elements (metals and halogens) and the influence of organic matter sources and decomposition processes in limnic systems. This includes in-lake processes of organic matter turnover and trace element scavenging, but also the DOM associated transport of trace elements in soils and lake catchments.
I have a special emphasis on investigations on the fate of mercury in the environment, here, I am specialized on the investigation natural and anthropogenic processes of Hg enrichment in soils, peat and lake sediments but also on the investigation and remediation of Hg polluted soils and groundwater.
Since Oct. 2007 | Professor Environmental Geochemistry, Institute of Geoecology, Technical University of Braunschweig |
2002 - 2007 | Assistant Professor, Faculty of Earth Sciences, University of Heidelberg |
2001 - 2002 | Docent, Faculty of Earth Sciences, University of Heidelberg |
1999 - 2001 | Research Assistant, Institute of Environmental Geochemistry, University of Heidelberg |
1994 - 1999 | Research Associate, Institute of Environmental Geochemistry, University of Heidelberg |
1991 - 1994 | Research Associate, Harress Pickel Consult GmbH for Geo-Engineering Harburg (Research and Analytical Development) |
Peer-review | Title | Sponsor |
2024- | Assessing Hg Accumulation in Leaves and Fluxes between Vegetation and Top-Soil in Tropical Dry and Moist Broadleaf Forests: Investigating the Role of Vegetation and Seasonality in the Tropical Forest Mercury Cycle (FORVEST-Hg) | DFG |
2024- | Controls of Primary Production on Southern Ocean Mercury Cycling (COPPSOM) | DFG |
2022- | Bindungsformen von Quecksilber in Schwebstoffen und Sedimenten aus Bundeswasserstraßen (BiFoQueck) | Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde |
2022- | Evaluating elemental mercury outgassing from soil-groundwater systems using passive air samplers: method development and implementation (EMOSGROW Project) | DFG |
2022-2024 | Arsenic (As) and Mercury (Hg) groundwater contamination caused by oil and gas production wastewaters in Niger Delta Region of Nigeria: Environmental Implications and Removal Techniques | DFG |
2018-2021 | Mercury isotope ratios as a tool to trace and quantify Hg species transformations in contaminated soils and aquifers | DFG |
2015 | The deep ocean as a final sink of terrestrial mercury in the global mercury cycle | |
2015 | Stability of mineral dust particles in peat bog: implication for paleodust record reconstruction (since 2015) | |
2012-2015 | Natural organic matter turnover in peatlands as major driving factor for fluxes of DOM, nutrients, and trace elements. NTH-Graduate school “Geofluxes” (Biester, Guggenberger) | |
2012-2015 | Potential of brass-filters to remove mercury from contaminated groundwater. Part 3 Long-term pilot scale tests at a HgCl2-contaminated site. (Umweltministerium Baden-Württemberg) | |
2009-2012 | Factors controlling fluxes and coastal aquatic storage of carbon at the superhumid continental margin of the southern Andes (Einzelantrag | DFG |
2010-2011 | Potential of brass-filters to remove mercury from contaminated groundwater. Part 2 Long-term small scale laboratory and field tests at a HgCl2-contaminated site. (Regierungspräsidium Freiburg) | |
2010 | Signal formation of organic matter associated trace elements in lakes (Signalbildung organisch gebundener Spurenelemente in Seen) (Einzelantrag) | DFG |
2004-2009 | Untersuchungen zur Quantifizierung der Jod- und Bromflüsse in limnischen Systemen - eine Fallstudie am Beispiel des Bodensees (Einzelantrag) | DFG |
2002-2006 | Atmosphärische Oxidation von Quecksilber (Hg(0)) durch Halogene als mögliche Ursache für Variationen der Hg-Deposition in verschiedenen Klimazonen Südchiles (Einzelantrag) | DFG |
2000-2004 | Spät- und postglaziale Umweltbedingungen im Bereich der ganzjährigen südhemisphärischen Westwinddrift, eine Fallstudie an Seesediment-, Torf- und Dendroarchiven der Südanden (Einzelantrag) | DFG |