
How to present to International scientific audiences: putting your research out there Freie Plätze

Most scientists and researchers will be required to present at international conferences at some point in their careers. However, many speakers have had little or no formal training. This workshop provides the tools, support and training to turn abstracts into memorable presentations that clearly convey the speaker's research and enable them to really connect with international audiences.

This two-day interactive workshop is aimed at scientists and researchers who need to present their work at international scientific conferences. The workshop will help speakers become more effective by developing new skills and/or reviewing and extending current practice so they can deliver more compelling presentations.

Approach: This is a dynamic, interactive and practical workshop based on learning by doing. Participants prepare and deliver presentations which are filmed and discussed by the speaker, their colleagues and the trainer.

Inhalte sind ...

  • Preparing and delivering your own presentations
  • Hooking your audience and keeping them with you
  • Creating presence: using body language, eye contact and voice
  • Shaping an effective presentation: the beginning, middle and end
  • Getting your message across: using visual aids, stories and slides
  • Working with international audiences: key dos and don‘ts
  • Practicing relaxation techniques to overcome nerves
  • Handling the Question & Answer session confidently

  • Workshopleitung:
    Andrew Weale

    Veranstaltungszeiten Termine
    06.11.2023, 09.00 bis 17.00 Uhr
    07.11.2023, 09.00 bis 17.00 Uhr

    WindH-Programm WindH
    WindH-Modul: Modul 3
    Zertifikat: Wahlpflichtveranstaltung
    Arbeitseinheiten (AE): 20

    Teilnahmeentgelt Gebuehr
    Entgelt: 140 €
    PauschalkundIn: 0€
    GutscheinkundIn: 0€

    Veranstaltungsort Ort
    Raum: Zugang wird per E-Mail bekannt gegeben
    Ort: Online
    Weitere Informationen zur Anfahrt

    Braunschweiger Verkehrsbetriebe