Congratulation !

We congratulate Felix Nieberding, Eike Reinosch, Johannes Buckel, and Paula Echeverría Galindo to a successful doctorate.

On June 29th, Felix Nieberding defended his thesis "Assessing land-atmosphere CO2 exchange at lake Nam Co on the Tibetan Plateau using Eddy Covariance".

On June 30th, Eike Reinosch defended his thesis "Remote sensing of active periglacial landforms within the western Nyainqêntanglha Range, Tibetan Plateau".

On July 9th, Johannes Buckel defended his thesis "The cryosphere of the Western Nyainqêntanglha range (Tibetan Plateau)".

On July 23rd, Paula Echeverría Galindo defended her thesis "Aquatic Bioindicators of Late Holocene Environmental Change on the South-Central Tibetan Plateau".