Introduction to Scientific Computing

Einführung in das Wissenschaftliche Rechnen - WS2005/06

Allgemeine Informationen

Dozent Prof. H.G. Matties, PhD

Übungsleiter Elmar Zander

Termine Vorlesung: Mi. 9:45-11:15 Uhr im Raum RZ 012 (Rechenzentrum)

Übung: Do. 11:30-12:15 Uhr im Raum RZ 012 (Rechenzentrum)

Beginn Erste Semesterwoche

Voraussetzungen Grundvorlesungen bis zum Vordiplom

Zielgruppe Studentinnen und Studenten der Informatik, Mathematik, Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften und Nebenfachhöhrer im Hauptstudium, CSE-Studenten

Scheinkriterien Hausaufgaben und aktive Teilnahme an den Übungen, Tests, Bewertungschema

Sprechstunden wird in der Vorlesung bekannt gegeben


Das Skript zur Vorlesung ist hier erhältlich:

  • Englische Version als PDF oder als gzipped PostScript
  • Deutsche Version als PDF
    (Dies ist eine ältere Version, die nicht in jedem Detail mit der englischen Version übereinstimmt.)

Weitere Literatur wird in der Vorlesung bekanntgegeben.


Here is a file ( that shows you how to create EPS files from Matlab and how to combine them using LaTeX. Please download the file into your account, expand it with "unzip" and read the README file for instructions. (Note: I assume here that you have a decent Unix/Linux installation, and are not running Windows or other crap, where things like this habitually don't work.)

E-Mail: If you want to submit your solutions electronically you can send them to wire-odehomework(at) Please do not send in DOC files, only PDF or PostScript. If you really think there is a need to compress your files, please use zip or tgz.

Modelling/Difference Equations: assign1.pdf,
Solution: ass1ex1.m

Difference Equations: assign2.pdf,
Solution: ass2ex2.m, ass2ex2a.m, ass2ex2b.m

DEs, characteristic polynomials and eigenvalues: assign3.pdf,
Solution: ass3ex2.m

Stability of nonlinear systems: assign4.pdf,
Solution: ass4ex2.m

Ordinary differential equations: assign5.pdf,
Solution: ass5ex2.m

Quadrature and Solving of ODEs: assign6.pdf,
Solution: ass6ex1.m

Linear Multistep Methods: assign7.pdf,
Solution: ass7ex2.m

Nonlinear equations, Contractions: assign8.pdf,

Quasi-Newton methods: assign9.pdf,
The code:
Solution: ass9ex1.m,

Dahlquist Barrier, Absolute Stability: assign10.pdf,
Solution: ass10ex2.m, ass10ex2.nb, ass10ex3.m

Runge-Kutta-Methods assign11.pdf,
FYI: Article about the Matlab ODE Suite: MatlabODESuite.pdf

Test practice:

Following are some old tests you can use to practice your scientific computing skills, but please note that there is no guarantee that the new tests will resemble them in any way. Use at your own risk.


  • The first test will be was held on the Dec. 15, 2005 from 11:30 to 12:15 in room SN.19.1 on the central campus (and NOT in RZ012). For a map click here.

  • The assignment sheet for the test: test1.pdf,
    A Mathematica file for the test as PostScript: and Mathematica source Test1.nb (Note: This is not meant as a sample solution, but was just my tool to verify the correctness of the test questions - only improved with a few comments to make it more readable for you.)

  • The results for the first test: test1res.pdf

  • The second test was held on Feb. 24, 2006 from 14:00 to 14:45 in room SN.19.1 on the central campus (and NOT in RZ012). For a map click here.

  • Here you can see whether you got enough points in the homework to qualify for the second test: homework_ode2005.pdf

  • The assignment sheet for the second test: test2.pdf,
    And a sample solution: test2sol.pdf,

  • Statistics of the second test: stat_test2.pdf,

  • Now, here are the results of the second test: test2res.pdf,

  • Total results for "Introduction to Scientific Computing" from Test 1 and 2 are here: test1and2res.pdf,

  • Note: For the "big test" only those are eligible who have failed the small tests. It's not possible anymore to improve your mark here. If you are from a previous semester please check with you responsible examination office.

Software and Links

Matlab Tutorials:

Other Resources: