My research interest lies in theoretical and applied probability focusing on discrete problems arising out of combinatorics, statistical physics and computer science. Perfectly aligned with my interests, I chose Branching Random Walk as a subject of my Ph.D. dissertation work. In addition to that, I also worked on Percolation as well as Traffic-flow in Telecommunication Network. Most of my research involves developing new techniques and methods.
Winter Semester 2023 : Markov Processes for the Masters in Mathematics at Technische Universität Braunschweig.
Summer Semester 2023 : Stochastic Processes and Continuous-time Financial Mathematics for the Masters in Mathematics at Technische Universität Braunschweig.
Summer Semester 2021 : Random Graphs for the B. Stat. Third Year at Indian Statistical Institute.
Extremal Process of Perturbed Branching Random Walks. (with Bastien Mallein)
Submitted (2024). [arXiv link]
Right-Most Position of a Last Progeny Modified Time Inhomogeneous Branching Random Walk. (with Antar Bandyopadhyay)
Statistics & Probability Letters, 193: Paper No. 109697 (2023). [arXiv link] [Journal Link]
Large Deviations for the Right-Most Position of a Last Progeny Modified Branching Random Walk.
Electronic Communications in Probability, 27: Paper No. 6 (2022). [arXiv link] [Journal Link]
Right-Most Position of a Last Progeny Modified Branching Random Walk. (with Antar Bandyopadhyay)
(accepted in Journal of Theoretical Probability) (2021). [arXiv link]
Large and Moderate Deviations in Poisson Navigations. (with Benedikt Jahnel and Sanjoy Kumar Jhawar)
Submitted (2024). [arXiv link]
Criticality and Covered Area Fraction in Confetti and Voronoi Percolation. (with Rahul Roy)
Journal of Statistical Physics, 186(1): Paper No. 20 (2022). [arXiv link] [Journal Link]
Characterization of Extreme Copulas. (with Subir Kumar Bhandari)
Preprint (2017). [arXiv link]
A Last Progeny Modified Branching Random Walk. [Link]
Indian Statistical Institute, 2022
Supervisor : Antar Bandyopadhyay
Antar Bandyopadhyay
Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi Center
Subir Kumar Bhandari
Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata
Benedikt Jahnel
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics
Sanjoy Kumar Jhawar
Bastien Mallein
Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse
Rahul Roy
Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi Center
Mathematics Genealogy : Click Here (if you are really curious then go up four steps!).
Erdős Number : 3 (Partha Pratim Ghosh > Antar Bandyopadhyay > Svante Janson > Paul Erdős).
Curriculum Vitae Personal Website