For On the Separability Problem of VASS Reachability Languages.
On the Separability Problem of VASS Reachability Languages has been accepted.
Separability in Büchi Vass and Singly Non-Linear Systems of Inequalities has been accepted.
Dartagnan won two gold medals at SV-COMP2024. It won both as verifier and validator in the ConcurrencySafety category.
CONCUR 2023 Best Paper Award
For Separability and non-determinizability of WSTS. publications
Static Analysis of Memory Models for SMT Encodings has been accepted. publications
Separability and non-determinizability of WSTS has been accepted. publications
Dr. rer. nat. Sebastian Muskalla
Congratulations on your successful defense!
CAV 2023
nekton: a linearizability proof checker has been accepted. publications
Andrzej Murawski @ TU-BS
Congratulations to Andrzej on winning a Humboldt Research Award. Andrzej will spend a sabbatical at TU Braunschweig.
PLDI 2023
Embedding Hindsight Reasoning in Separation Logic has been accepted. publications
TACAS 2023
Make flows small again: revisiting the flow framework has been accepted. publications
OOPSLA 2022 Distinguished Paper Award
For CAAT: Consistency as a Theory. publications
STACS 2023
Regular Separability in Büchi Vector Addition Systems has been accepted. publications
APLAS 2022
Model-based Fault Classification for Automotive Software has been accepted.publications
CAAT: Consistency as a Theory has been accepted. publications
A Concurrent Program Logic with a Future and History has been accepted. publications
Dr. rer. nat. Peter Chini
Congratulations on your successful defense!
PODC 2022
Parameterized Verification under Release Acquire is PSPACE-complete has been accepted. publications
ETAPS Best Dissertation Award
Congratulations Sebastian on winning the 2022 ETAPS Doctoral Dissertation Award. Sebastian's thesis “Verifying Non-blocking Data Structures with Manual Memory Management” can be found here
Dartagnan: SMT-based Violation Witness Validation has been accepted. publications
Journal of Computing
Liveness in Broadcast Networks has been accepted. publications
Dr. rer. nat. Sebastian Wolff
Congratulations on your successful defense!
NETYS 2021
Petri Net Invariant Synthesis has been accepted. publications