- Reif, A., Schröder, J. T., Jonas, E., Guenther, L., Taddicken, M., & Weingart, P. (2024, September). Entwicklung von und Schlüsselereignisse für öffentliches Vertrauen in Wissenschaft: Zum Mehrwert der Methodenkombination von quantitativen und qualitativen Befragungen im Paneldesign [Presentation]. Joint Annual Meeting of „Digital Communication“ und „Methods of Journalism and Communication Studies“ Divisions of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), Hamburg, Germany.
- Schröder, J. T., Guenther, L., Reif, A., Taddicken, M., Weingart, P., Brück, J., & Jonas, E. (2024, September). Intermediaries in the limelight: How exposure to trust cues in content about science affects public trust in science [Presentation]. 10th European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
- Schröder, J. T., & Guenther, L. (2024, June 20-24). Mediating trust in content about science: Comparing trust cues across different media [Presentation]. Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Gold Coast Australia.
- Schröder, J. T., Brück, J., & Guenther, L. (2024, June 20-24). Identifying trust cues: How trust between science and publics is mediated in content about science [Presentation]. Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Gold Coast, Australia.
- Reif, A., Taddicken, M., Guenther, L., Schroeder, J. T., & Weingart, P. (2024, June 20-24). Back to a moderate level of trust after the pandemic? Results from a two-wave panel study on trust in science among digitised publics in Germany [Presentation]. Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Gold Coast, Australia.
- Guenther, L., Schröder, J. T., Reif, A., Taddicken, M., Weingart, P., Brück, J., & Jonas, E. (2024, June 18-19). Intermediaries in the limelight: How exposure to trust cues in content about science affects public trust in science [Presentation]. Pre-Conference "Science Communication as a Human Right" of the International Communication Association (ICA), Gold Coast, Australia.
- Reif, A., Taddicken, M., Guenther, L., Schroeder, J. T., & Weingart, P. (2024, March). Sinkt das öffentliche Vertrauen in die Wissenschaft? Eine Panelanalyse von Vertrauensgruppen und ihrer Nutzung von Onlinemedien [Presentation]. Annual Conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), Erfurt, Germany.
- Peter, E., & Reif, A. (2023, September). Die Macht der Kritik? Eine explorative Untersuchung zur Wahrnehmung und Wirkung wissenschaftskritischer Nutzer*innenkommentare in sozialen Medien [Presentation]. Joint Annual Meeting of the Science Communication and Journalism/Journalism research Division of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), Passau, Germany.
- Schröder, J. T., Brück, J., & Guenther, L. (2023, September). Trust Cues identifizieren: Hinweise auf Vertrauen in die Wissenschaft in journalistischen, sozialen und populistischen Medien [Presentation]. Joint Annual Meeting of the Science Communication and Journalism/Journalism research Division of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), Passau, Germany.
- Reif, A., & Weingart, P. (2023). Concerns about surveys on public trust in science and proposal of a multilevel, multidimensional model and scale [Workshop]. POIESIS - Wissenschaft im Dialog, Berlin, Germany.
- Schröder, J. T., Brück, J., & Guenther, L. (2023, May). Identifying trust cues: How trust between science and publics is mediated through content about science [Presentation]. Post-Conference “Authentic Voices in Science Communication” of the 73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Toronto, Canada.
Reif, A., Taddicken, M., Guenther, L., Schröder, J. T., & Weingart, P. (2023, May 26). Public trust in science: Introducing and testing a new survey instrument [Presentation]. 73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Toronto, Canada.
Schröder, J. T., Brück, J. & Guenther, L. (2023, April). Cues of (dis)trust in content about science: Comparing journalistic, social, and alternative media [Vortrag]. 17. International Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST) Konferenz, Rotterdam, Niederlande.
Reif, A., Schröder, J., Guenther, L., Taddicken, M., & Weingart, P. (2023, April 14). Trust in science among digitized publics in Germany and South Africa: A comparative study [presentation]. PCST Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Schröder, J., Brück, J., & Guenther, L. (2022, September 28). "Taking on trust": Identifying indicators of (dis)trust in content about science [presentation]. SECAT, Aarhus, Denmark, virtual.
Reif, A., Schröder, J., Guenther, L., Taddicken, M., & Weingart, P. (2022, September 28). Identifying segments of trust in science and specific effects of science communication: A comparative study on South African and German online users [presentation]. SECAT, Aarhus, Denmark, virtual.
Reif, A., Schröder, J., Guenther, L., Taddicken, M., & Weingart, P. (2022, May 25). Trust in Science among Digitized Publics: A Segmentation of South Africans' Trust in Science and Future Research Projects [Presentation]. Pre-Conference "The Science of Science Communication: Mapping the Field" at the 72nd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Paris, France.
Reif, A., Schröder, J., Guenther, L., Taddicken, M., & Weingart, P. (2022, February 10-11). Same but different? Comparing interest in climate change and COVID-19 among segments of trust in science in South Africa [Presentation]. 6th Annual Conference of the Science Communication Division of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), Ilmenau, Germany, virtual.
Reif, A. (2022). Twitternde Wissenschaftler*innen, Algorithmen und Fake News: Die Bedeutung von Onlineumgebungen für die Wissenschaftskommunikation [Presentation]. Digitalisierung der Medienordnung, Berlin, Germany.
- Reif, A., Guenther, L., Taddicken, M., & Weingart, P. (2021, June 24). Trust in science during the COVID-19 pandemic: A segmentation of online users in South Africa [Presentation]. Future of Science Communication Conference, virtual.
- Reif, A., & Guenther, L. (2019, May). What Representative Surveys Tell Us About Public (Dis)Trust in Science: A Re-Interpretation and Systematization of Survey Items and Open-Ended Questions [Presentation]. Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Washington, D.C., USA.
- Reif, A., & Günther, L. (2019, May 9). Was uns repräsentative Befragungen über das öffentliche Vertrauen in Wissenschaft verraten [Presentation]. Pre-Conference of the Annual Conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany.
- Reif, A., & Guenther, L. (2019, February 6-8). Was uns repräsentative Befragungen über das öffentliche Vertrauen in Wissenschaft verraten: Ergebnisse einer Inhaltsanalyse von Items und offenen Fragen [Presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Science Communication Division of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany.