Clusters of Excellence at TU Braunschweig

With our two Clusters of Excellence, we are demonstrating that we are not only located in the most research-intensive region in Europe, but that we are also driving forward cutting-edge research as a university of technology. Together with our partners, we find solutions to relevant questions of the present.

Our Clusters of Excellence 'QuantumFrontiers' and 'SE²A - Sustainable and Energy Efficient Aviation' are helping to shape a more sustainable world of tomorrow in different ways with their research. Their fundamental research enables us to conserve resources in the long term and assume responsibility for our society and future generations.

With the funding of the two Clusters of Excellence through the Excellence Strategy of the federal and state governments, we are able to conduct top-level research and work with new freedom.

Research jet engine at the Institute of Jet propulsion and Turbomachinery

SE²A - Sustainable and Energy Efficient Aviation

Is it possible to make air transport sustainable and efficient in the future? And how can we ensure that steady growth and environmental compatibility are not mutually exclusive?

The future of aviation is being rethought holistically in the research of the SE²A Cluster of Excellence - from the infrastructure of airports to the design of the aircraft themselves: Lowering emissions, reducing noise pollution, recyclability of air transport systems and adapted air traffic management are just some of the points that are important for the cluster's basic research.

In 2050, the first aircraft are to be integrated into air transport in accordance with new standards. This is a challenge that can only be mastered by a closely cooperating research network. At SE²A, scientists from aviation research, electrical engineering, energy research and design are working together towards a common goal. The scientific collaboration spans universities in Germany, the Netherlands and France.

Cluster of Excellence Sustainable and Energy-Efficient Aviation

Vapor phase epitaxy (VPE) apparatus at the Institute of Semiconductor Technology


How precisely can the world be studied from great distances? Can we observe climate change, black holes or the flow of time even more precisely? Is it really possible to push the limits of what can be measured even further?

QuantumFrontiers researchers are using quantum effects to monitor global water resources from space, investigate gravitational waves and develop the world's most precise clocks. They combine nanotechnology and quantum physics for the most sensitive measurements. With their findings, they are expanding the fundamental understanding of nature and advancing applications on the smallest and largest scales.

The success of QuantumFrontiers is based on the excellence and long-standing cooperation of scientists and institutions working together to advance key metrological topics. The three applicant partner institutions are the Technische Universität Braunschweig, Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH) and the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB).

Cluster of Excellence QuantumFrontiers at TU Braunschweig

With Participation of TU Braunschweig