
Chair of Hydromechanics, Coastal and Ocean Engineering

Bachelor Courses

In the Bachelor programmes Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Industrial and Civil Engineering, the department “Hydromechanics, Coastal and Ocean Engineering” gives the following courses:

Course Title Type Lecturer Period
Hydromechanics Lecture Dr.-Ing. David Schürenkamp Summer Term
Exercise Course Dipl.-Ing. Elisabeth Wewerka Summer Term

Master Courses

For the Master Programmes Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, and Civil and Industrial Engineering, we offer the following courses within the specialisation “Coastal Engineering”. Some of the courses / modules can also be attended by students of Computational Sciences in Engineering.

Module Title Type Lecturer Period
Basic Coastal Engineering Lecture Prof. Dr-Ing. habil. Nils Goseberg Winter Term
Exercise Course   Winter Term
Coastal Dynamics and Engineering Design Lecture Prof. Dr-Ing. habil. Nils Goseberg Summer Term
Exercise Course Thea Bölker & Dr.-Ing. Léon-Carlos Dempwolff Summer Term
Sustainable Ocean Engineering Lecture Dr. Christian Windt Summer Term
  Exercise   Summer Term
Advanced Coastal Engineering Various Various Summer and Winter Term

Other Teaching Courses and Activities

  • The Hydraulic Engineering Seminar is a joint course of the divisions “Hydromechanics, Coastal and Ocean Engineering”, “Hydraulic Engineering and River Morphology”, and “Hydrology and River Basin Management”. Once a week, different speakers from public authorities, engineering companies, or other universities, present various topics within the field of water, coast and engineering.
  • Supervision of Bachelor / Master Theses and Student Research Projects.
  • Additional Teaching Materials (Teaching Videos, Screencasts, Interactive Diagrams) that are also used within the courses can be found online at our in-house development Learning Platform Coastal Engineering.

Contact Person for the Teaching Activities and Courses

Dipl.-Ing. Elisabeth Wewerka