Theses and Student Research Projects

Current topics for bachelor, student and master theses in the Department of Hydromechanics, Coastal Engineering and Maritime Engineering can be found in the announcements of the Stud.IP event "Vertiefung Küsteningenieurwesen und Seebau". In general, student theses are preferably issued in connection with ongoing research projects. In addition, it is possible to create an assignment from interesting questions from students or from our own research ideas. It is possible to work on analytical, experimental or numerical problems with us.

Furthermore, it is also possible to write a student thesis in cooperation with the Coastal Research Centre (FZK).

Externally supervised student theses can also be requested from us. The first contact for externally supervised theses are the lecturers of the department in the context of the Master module "Advanced Coastal Engineering" as well as the lecturers of the hydraulic engineering seminar from previous years.

If you are interested, please contact: hyku-lehre(at)