

Study in Europe with Erasmus+

Erasmus is the most successful EU education programme and has been promoting exchange stays abroad in Europe since 1987.


The Erasmus programme has many advantages:

The application procedure is simple, you receive a grant to cover your living costs abroad and you don't have to pay tuition fees at the partner university. Top ups and grants can be allocated for the following purposes: Green Travel, Underprivileged Groups and Other Special Needs. In addition, the academic recognition of your study achievements is contractually regulated.


Erasmus+ graphic with three drawn people standing in front of a bus and waving to each other. In the middle are five yellow stars formed into a semicircle.

Further information

Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator

Dott Francesco Ducatelli

 ☎  +49 531 391-14 373

Office hours: by appointment, room 302, 3rd floor Bültenweg 74, 38106 Braunschweig, Germany

Digitalisation of student mobility
Jacquelin Wolf

 ☎ +49 531 391 14369

Room 304, 3rd floor
Bültenweg 74
38106 Braunschweig

Office hours: Wed. 10:00 - 12:00

Consultation hours take place in the Study Service Centre, seat 5.

If required, we also offer the possibility of online counselling. Please make an appointment at erasmus(at)

Current changes

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