Maternity protection

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Risk assessment and design of working conditions

Document for download (in German):

Risk assesment and design of working conditions according to the Maternity Protection Act and other legal norms

Guide to maternity protection (in German)

Guide to maternity protection of the Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend


Legal basis and information

Law for the protection of mothers at work, in training and during studies (in German) (Mutterschutzgesetz - MuSchG)

Maternity protection for female civil servants:

With regard to parental leave and maternity protection, Lower Saxony has not written its own regulations in the new NBG either. According to § 81 NBG, the regulations applicable to federal civil servants are applied accordingly:

Ordinance on maternity protection for federal civil servants and parental leave for federal civil servants (in German) (Mutterschutz- und Elternzeitverordnung - MuSchEltZV)