Why Electromobility?
Electric vehicles contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions from transport and are an important step out of dependence on oil imports.
Together with the National Platform for Electric Mobility, the Federal Government has set itself the goal of creating framework conditions for the development of electric cars. By 2020, one million electric cars are to be driven on Germany's roads, making Germany one of the leading providers of electric mobility.
Electric mobility forms a new interface between the automotive industry and the energy supply industry. Research and development requirements are increasing in the areas of energy storage, power electronics, electrical drive technology and direct current technology, as well as in the areas of network management, network infrastructure, charging stations, standardization and business models. In order to deal with the diverse cross-sectional topics, specialist knowledge in both the automotive industry and the electricity industry is required. This results in fields of work in research and industry. Vehicle manufacturers and their suppliers as well as energy supply companies are potential employers.
Areas of application include the construction and operation of a production facility for electrically powered vehicles, the manufacture of batteries, electric motor construction, research work on advanced drive concepts (e.g. fuel cells). Graduates will be in high demand not only in the region, but also internationally.