Trust in Citizen Science (TiCS)

In the BMBF-funded joint project "Trust in Citizen Science (TiCS)", we are researching trust potentials and reservations in the context of citizen science

Photo: Bianca Loschinsky/TU Braunschweig

Nowadays, science no longer only takes place in laboratories and universities, but is also increasingly being practiced by citizens. Photographing plants, counting insects or documenting changes in the city and nature provides important information for research. In some citizen science projects, citizens can also help shape the research process by developing research questions or analyzing data together with scientists.


The joint project Trust in Citizen Science (TiCS) aims to investigate the potentials and reservations for trust that citizen science harbors at different levels: How do trust relationships change within citizen science projects? What do researchers think about citizen science projects? How does the general public react to research findings that have been jointly produced by researchers and citizens?

Funding period: 11/2023-10/2026

Sub-project of the Technical University of Braunschweig



Project staff: 

Sub-project of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich


Project staff:

Sub-project of the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin


Project staff:

  • Jakob Meyer
Gefördert durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung