Third-party funded projects

Third-party funded projects

Here you will find all externally funded projects associated with our junior research group.


Trust in Citizen Science (TiCS)

Photo: Bianca Loschinsky/TU Braunschweig

Funded by the BMBF and in cooperation with the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, we are researching trust potentials and reservations arising from citizen participation in science in the joint project "Trust in Citizen Science (TiCS)". (2023-2026) 


DFG Network Evidence-Based Science Outreach

Zwei weiblich gelesene Personen, welche vor einem Tisch stehen auf welchem sich ein Laptop und Technik befindet.

In the DFG network "Evidence-Based Science Outreach", we want to develop a framework model for the motivation for and impact of science outreach. Involved are 13 researchers from science education and science communication research (2024-2027; information coming soon!)