News From The Alumni Services

Alumni*ae In The Spotlight: Polar Research Adventure

27 June 2024

The series of Alumni*ae Talks at the Technische Universität Braunschweig was extended by another chapter on 25th June. The renowned polar and climate researcher Professor Markus Rex inspired more than 300 listeners with his lecture "Frozen at the North Pole - Expedition to the Epicentre of Climate Change". Read more...

Insights Of The Conference

15 May 2024

Over the past few days, part of the central Alumni*ae team, Henning Karsten, Melanie Schaller and Maike Stelter, took part in the conference of e.V. DACH-Verband der Alumni-Organisationen. The team learnt three things they would like to share with you...


On Air: Visiting Radio Okerwelle

5 June 2024

The central Alumni*ae Management and Deutschlandstipendien team was on Radio Okerwelle with three students and three alumni*ae of TU Braunschweig. Click here for the radio programme about their time at TU Braunschweig.

A picture of Alejandro Mesa Heredia

First International Alumni*ae Network Meeting

25 April 2024

The first international alumni*ae network meeting took place as part of the International Days, organised by TU Braunschweig's International House. Alejandro Mesa Heredia, a former international student, spoke about his journey from TU Braunschweig to his dream job. Read more...

You can see a transition between two pictures with groups of people from 19080 and 2024

The First Generation Of Braunschweig's Biotechnology Doctoral Students Visit Their Alma Mater

8 June 2024

The first generation of Braunschweig's biotechnology doctoral students visited their alma mater after 50 years. At their reunion, they reminisced about their doctoral studies under Prof Dr Fritz Wagner and gained exciting insights into the current state of research in antibody engineering by Prof Dr Stefan Dübel. Dr Elisabeth Grote-Holman, who had travelled all the way from New York, talked about the importance of such encounters. Find out more about the nostalgic gathering and the impressive scientific careers of the alumni*ae...

First Campus Tour Of The Alumni & Career Services

24 May 2024

As part of the University Information Day, the first campus tour of the Alumni & Career Services led to forgotten and hidden places at TU Braunschweig. More than 40 participants were not deterred by the sudden heavy rain from going on a discovery tour with Knud Ahlborn. Interested in campus tours?

The Start Of A Strong Community

18 March 2024

Since the beginning of the year, Alumni*ae Management has been on the rise with a new team at the Technische Universität Braunschweig. With a lot of energy and great commitment, the team wants to build a centralised network. Here you can read more ...