Studying Philosophy at TU Braunschweig

Studying Philosophy at TU Braunschweig

» Overview

Here you find:

You can also study Philosophy as part of other Bachelor or Master programs:

  • BSc Psychology (FK 2)
  • BSc and MSc Physics (FK 5)
  • BSc Computer Science (Informatik)
  • MSc Data Science (module Ethics & Epistmology)
  • BSc Mathematics
  • BA Media Sciences (FK 1)
  • BSc/MSc Environmental Engineering and Landscape Ecology (FK 3), Course "Environmental Ethics" (Karafyllis)

» Important Notes

Please consider:

  1. If you have any doubts on course requirements and assessment methods, please ask your instructor.
  2. All written exams and final reports have to be signed with the following declaration of academic honesty (in German), preventing plagiarism:

    Ich versichere, dass die vorliegende Arbeit ohne fremde Hilfe angefertigt wurde und dass ich außer der von mir angegebenen Literatur keine weitere benutzt habe. Die wörtlich übernommenen Stellen sind als solche gekennzeichnet.

  3. All courses use Stud.IP. You need a banner ID from Gauß-IT-Zentrum.
  4. If you are interested in becoming a student assistant (Tutor, studentische Hilfskraft), please email to Prof. Dr. Nicole Karafyllis. We are welcoming students who are not native German speakers!

» Contact Persons

  • B.A. and M.A.: Prof. Dr. Hans-Christoph Schmidt am Busch and Prof. Dr. Nicole C. Karafyllis
  • Exams: Dr. Domenico Schneider
  • PhD/Dr. phil.: Prof. Dr. Nicole C. Karafyllis and Prof. Dr. Hans-Christoph Schmidt am Busch