
Latest News

Latest developments at the Institute for Mathematical Optimization

Article Published

Our paper A. Bärmann, P. Gemander, M. Merkert, A.-K. Wiertz, F. Zaragoza Martínez: "Algorithms for the clique problem with multiple-choice constraints under a series–parallel dependency graph" has been published in the journal "Discrete Applied Mathematics".

Article accepted

Our paper P. Mutzel, T. Niemann, L. Schürmann, S. Stiller, A. M. Tillmann: "Vehicle Routing with Heterogeneous Time Windows" will appear in Operations Research Proceedings 2022.

Special Issue "The Interplay of Discrete Optimization and Machine Learning"

A new Special Issue on the Interplay of Discrete Optimization and Machine Learning in the journal "Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics", edited by A. M. Tillmann, E. Khalil, G. Munoz and S. Pokutta, is now welcoming submissions. For more information and to participate, visit the research topic website.

Article published

Our paper F. J. L. Willamowski und A. M. Tillmann, "Minimizing Airplane Boarding Time" , has been published in the journal "Transportation Science".

SQUIRREL - Retreat in Bilm

In the past week, ten employees of the Institute for Mathematical Optimization as well as the Institute of Analysis and Algebra got together for a retreat in a conference hotel in Bilm near Hanover.

Article Published

Our paper M. Merkert, G. Orlinskaya, D. Weninger: "An exact projection-based algorithm for bilevel mixed-integer problems with nonlinearities" has been published in "Journal of Global Optimization".

New Member Joins the Institute for Mathematical Optimization

Eva Ley joins the Institute for Mathematical Optimization. Welcome!

Successful PhD defense by Christoph Hansknecht

Christoph Hansknecht successfully defended his doctoral thesis "Dynamic flow problems arising from traffic planning". Congratulations!

New members join the Institute for Mathematical Optimization

Sabrina Ammann and Michel Lahmann join the Institute for Mathematical Optimization. Welcome!

Successful PhD defense by Felix Bestehorn

Felix Bestehorn successfully defended his doctoral thesis "Combinatorial algorithms and complexity of rounding problems arising in Mixed-Integer Optimal Control". Congratulations!

Junior Research Group featured in Future City's newsletter

Our JRG "Overall System Evaluation" was featured in the newsletter of Future City.

Article Published

Our paper S. Sager, F. Bernhardt, F. Kehrle, M. Merkert, A. Potschka, B. Meder, H. Katus, E. Scholz: "Expert-enhanced machine learning for cardiac arrhythmia classification" has been published in the journal "PLOS ONE".

Interview with Maximilian Merkert

The TU Magazin has published an interview with Maximilian Merkert in which he talks about his start at TU Braunschweig and his research topics.

Article Published

Our paper D. D. Le, M. Merkert, S. Sorgatz, M. Hahn, S. Sager: "Autonomous traffic at intersections: An optimization-based analysis of possible time, energy, and CO2 savings" has been published in the journal "Networks".

New Professor Joins the Institute for Mathematical Optimization

Professor Maximilian Merkert joins the Institute for Mathematical Optimization. Welcome!