
Latest News

Latest developments at the Institute for Mathematical Optimization

Article accepted

Our paper C. Kirches, J. Larson, S. Leyffer, and P. Manns. Sequential Linearization Method for Bound-Constrained Mathematical Programs with Complementarity Constraints has been accepted for publication in the journal SIAM Journal on Optimization.

New Member Joins the Institute for Mathematical Optimization

Lisa-Marie Manke joins the Institute for Mathematical Optimization. Welcome!

Article accepted for publication

Our paper F. J. L. Willamowski and A. M. Tillmann, "Minimizing Airplane Boarding Time", has been accepted for publication in the journal "Transportation Science".

Article Published

Our paper H. G. Bock, D. H. Cebulla, C. Kirches, A. Potschka, "Mixed-Integer Optimal Control for Multimodal Chromatography" has been published in Computers & Chemical Engineering, see

Paper accepted

Our paper A. M. Tillmann and L. Kobbelt, "Structured Discrete Shape Approximation: Theoretical Complexity and Practical Algorithm", has been accepted for publication in the journal "Computational Geometry Theory and Algorithms".

Workshop on exact methods for large-scale Discrete Optimization in SE2A

Date: April 19, 2021

Time: 10:00 - 12:00 and 14:00 - 16:00

Location: BigBlueButton

Organizers: Stefan Helber (LUH), Sebastian Stiller (TUBS), Imke Joormann (TUBS)

Paper accepted

Our paper T. Liu, A. M. Tillmann, Y. Yang, Y. C. Eldar and M. Pesavento, "A parallel algorithm for phase retrieval with dictionary learning", has been accepted at the 46th International Conference on Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing and will be published in the ICASSP Proceedings 2021.

Paper published

Our paper C. Hansknecht, I. Joormann, S. Stiller "Dynamic Shortest Paths Methods for the Time-Dependent TSP" has been published in Algorithms and is openly accessible here.

Interview with Imke Joormann

The TU magazine talked to Imke Joormann about interdisciplinary research in the Cluster of Excellence SE2A. See the interview here.

Paper Accepted

The paper from the collaboration with the Institute for Computer Graphics was accepted: M. Kassubeck, F. Bürgel, S. Castillo, S. Stiller, M. Magnor, "Shape from Caustics: Reconstruction of 3D-Printed Glass from Simulated Caustic Images" will appear in 2021 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV).

New Member Joins the Institute for Mathematical Optimization

Svenja Harms joins the Institute for Mathematical Optimization. Welcome!

Article Published

Our article F. Bestehorn, C. Hansknecht, C. Kirches, P. Manns "Mixed-Integer Optimal Control Problems with switching costs: A shortest path approach" has been published in Mathematical Programming Series B.

New Member Joins the Institute for Mathematical Optimization

Tim Niemann joins the Institute for Mathematical Optimization as a doctoral researcher. Welcome!

Relaunch of the Website

The Institute for Mathematical Optimization has revised its website. Enjoy surfing!

Andreas Tillmann receives COAP Best Paper Prize

Andreas Tillmann receives the COAP Best Paper 2019 Prize for his work "Computing the spark: mixed-integer programming for the (vector) matroid girth problem", published in Computational Optimization and Applications 74(2), 2019. Congratulations!