Computational Sciences in Engineering (M.Sc.)

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What is Computational Sciences in Engineering (CSE)?

  • CSE is an interdisciplinary, research oriented, international, and bilingual Master’s degree programme at the TU Braunschweig.
  • Choose from 4 directions of study within the CSE master's programme: Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics
    (see chart to the right).
  • CSE is a combination of engineering sciences, mathematics and applied computer sciences
  • Students will develop mathematical models for physical processes such as occur in various branches of engineering sciences. They will solve specific problems regarding physical modelling, mathematical description as well as numerical simulation and performing and evaluating complex numerical analyses of engineering processes. 
  • Because of the international focus of CSE, our students find themselves in a multicultural environment.

Video for prospective students

YouTube "Das erwartet Dich: Computational Sciences in Engineering | TU Braunschweig"


Computational Sciences in Engineering (M.Sc.)
Mühlenpfordtstr. 23
38106 Braunschweig

Phone: +49 531 391-2241
Email:  cse(at)

Office hours are on Thursdays 10-12

Just come by or call us!

News from CSE

CSE | CSE Christmas Reception

[Abu CSE, Abu Aktuelles]

Am 13. Dezember hatten Studierende aus unterschiedlichen Fachrichtungen die Möglichkeit an der diesjährigen CSE Weihnachtsfeier teilzunehmen. Zusammen mit den Studiengängen Sustainable Engineering of Products & Processes, Data Science und Quantum Technologies haben CSE-Studierenden, Professoren, Unterstützer und Alumni im CSE Office die Weihnachtszeit gefeiert.

Bei traditionellem Glühwein, Punsch und Weihnachtskeksen hatten alle Teilnehmenden die Gelegenheit, fächerübergreifende Kontakte zu knüpfen, um ein Netzwerk außerhalb der eigenen Fachrichtung aufzubauen.

Der Abend wurde mit einem Besuch des Weihnachtsmannes und einer kleinen Weihnachtsüberraschung für alle Studierende abgerundet. Solche gemeinsamen Events bereichern nicht nur das Campusleben, sondern schaffen ebenfalls einen sozialen Zusammenhalt unter den Studierenden und stärken das Gefühl der Hochschulgemeinschaft.

On December 13, students across various disciplines had the chance to partake in the annual CSE Christmas party. Alongside the Sustainable Engineering of Products & Processes, Data Science, and Quantum Technologies degree programs, CSE students, professors, supporters, and alumni celebrated the Christmas season at the CSE Office.

Amidst sips of traditional mulled wine, festive punches, and Christmas cookies, all attendees had the opportunity to network beyond the boundaries of their own academic program. A special visit from Santa Claus added an extra layer of excitement, gifting small surprises to every student present. These festivities not only enrich campus life but also cultivate a social network among students, fortifying the sense of unity within the university community.

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