Single parents

Links and information

Help and information compiled on the website of the city of Braunschweig:

BETA counseling center for parents in separation situations and single parents in Braunschweig:

Association of single mothers and fathers in Braunschweig:

In the brochure "alleinerziehend - Tipps und Informationen" the "Bundesverband der alleinerziehenden Mütter und Väter e.V." (Federal Association of Single Mothers and Fathers) has compiled tips and information on pregnancy and birth, separation and divorce, reconciling child and career, social welfare, costs of legal advice and much more:

The Braunschweig Alliance for the Family offers a range of flexible childcare services to complement the existing range of daycare centers and daycare parents. Daycare providers can help with short-term childcare shortages. Information on the website:

The Haus der Familie has been firmly rooted in the city of Braunschweig for many years with its educational offerings for parents, children, youth, men and women. A wide range of individual events, ongoing courses and seminars, workshops, vacation programs for school children and continuing education courses are offered every six months.