
Below you will find the most common sources of information for your further research on the topics of waste and resource management.

To get full access to the documents of UB Braunschweig, Springer Link and Perinorm, you need to be in the local IP range of the university (e.g. via eduroam on campus or the VPN service of TU Braunschweig).

Instructions from the IT center as well as the necessary software to set up the VPN service on your mobile devices can be found here.

Resource Short information
Braunschweig University Library Use the UL Braunschweig catalog to find available publications in your field of interest. The link will take you there directly.
Library of the LWI The library of the LWI is located on the 3rd floor of the Leichtweiß-Instituts für Wasserbau, room 301a. The holdings of that library are recorded in the university library catalog and can be searched there.
Springer Link The Springer Link platform provides scientists with access to millions of scientific content and subject information from journals, books, book series, laboratory protocols, reference works and conference papers.
Perinorm Perinorm is a reference database that helps you search and manage standards and technical rules. It includes databases from 29 countries, as well as data from European and international standards institutes, with a total of around 2.4 million records worldwide.
EUWID EUWID is an independent specialist media provider, focusing on the recycling and waste disposal sectors.
Müll und Abfall The specialized journal for recycling and resource management and forum for the areas of prevention, recycling and disposal of waste is published by our department.
Waste Management Review Waste Management Review is the industry's trade journal for the latest developments and in-depth reports on waste, recycling and resource recovery.
Müllhandbuch The Müllhandbuch offers you comprehensive specialist information on waste management. The technical articles by more than 250 renowned experts describe the state of the art as well as the current waste management discussion. A continuously updated database ensures you the current status of waste legislation in the EU, federal and state governments.
Waste Management Waste Management is devoted to the presentation and discussion of information on the generation, characterization, minimization, collection, separation, treatment, and disposal of solid waste. Manuscripts dealing with waste management policy, education, and economic and environmental assessments are also published.
Standard Works List of waste management standard literature works.