Immersive Digital Reality

A DFG Reinhart Koselleck Project

Project Summary

Motivated by the advent of mass-market head-mounted immersive displays, we set out to pioneer the technology needed to experience recordings of the real world with the sense of full immersion as provided by VR goggles. To achieve this goal, a number of interdisciplinary, tightly interrelated challenges from video processing, computer graphics, computer vision, and applied visual perception need to be addressed concertedly. By importing the real world into immersive displays, we want to lay the foundations for the way we may watch movies in the future, leaving fixed-viewpoint, limited field-of-view screens behind for a completely immersive, collective experience.

Job Openings

We are always looking for excellent researchers. Want to join the project?

In the News

May 4, 2016Article in the local Braunschweiger Zeitung (in German).