Onlineseminar Applied Algebra and Analysis

Onlineseminar Applied Algebra and Analysis is a joint initiative of research groups from Technische Universität Braunschweig and Universität Osnabrück. 

It is organized by Timo de Wolff, Khazhgali Kozhasov, Stefan Kunis, Dirk Lorenz and Tim Römer.


Information for the seminar can be found at

Summer Term 2020

Weekly date during term: Friday 14:00-15:30, ONLINE at

Date Title Speaker
15.05. The Jacobian of metabolic networks Nicola Vassena (FU Berlin)
22.05 Counting isolated points outside the image of a polynomial map Boulos El Hilany (RICAM)
28.05. (!This talk in on Thursday!) Learning with graph neural networks Niklas Breustedt (TU Braunschweig)
12.06. Learning algebraic decompositions using Prony structures Ulrich von der Ohe (University of Genova)
19.06. Toric Geometry and discrete statistical models with rational MLE Eliana Duarte (OVGU Magdeburg)
26.06. A central limit theorem for the two-sided descent statistic on Coxeter groups Frank Roettger (MPI MiS)
03.07. Partial recovery in the graph alignment problem Georgina Hall (INSEAD)
10.07. Structure Learning for Cyclic Linear Causal Models Carlos Améndola (TU Munich)
17.07. Prony-type polynomials Anna Veselovska (TU Braunschweig)
24.07. Approximate counting via polynomial capacity Jonathan Leake (TU Berlin)

Winter Term 2019

Weekly date during term: Tuesday 15:00-16:30, F315

  • 22.10.: Riley Murray (Caltech) "Signomial and Polynomial Optimization via Relative Entropy and Partial Dualization"
  • 29.10.: Alexander Heaton (MPI MiS) "An SOS counterexample to an inequality of symmetric functions"
  • 05.11.: ---
  • 12.11.: ---
  • 19.11.:---
  • 26.11.: Hanna Knirsch (U Göttingen) "Structured Low-Rank Approximation of Hankel Matrices"
  • 03.12.: Jörg Neunhäuserer "Dimensionstheorie der Darstellungen reeller Zahlen"
  • 10.12.: Ronny Bergmann (TU Chemnitz) "Fenchel Duality Theory and A Primal-Dual Algorithm on Riemannian Manifolds"
  • 17.12.: Tim Winter (TU Braunschweig) "Reinforcement Learning für Markow-Spiele"
  • 07.01.: Oğuzhan Yürük (TU Braunschweig) "Understanding the Kinetic Space of Monostationarity in Dual Phosporylation Cycle via SONC"
  • 14.01.: ---
  • 15.01.: Jean-Claude Cuenin (Loughborough University) "Schrödinger operators with complex potentials"
    (Note: talk on Wednesday 15:00 at PK 14.513)
  • 21.01.: Maximilian Wessel (TU Braunschweig) "Entropische Regularisierung von Problems des Optimalen Transports"
  • 28.01.: ---
  • 04.02.: Two talks:
    • 14:00 - 15:00: Martin Genzel (TU Berlin) "A Non-Uniform Perspective on Analysis Sparsity in Compressed Sensing"
    • 15:00 - 16:00: Benjamin Peters (OVGU Magdeburg) "Monomial patterns: A unifying framework for polynomial optimization"
  • 05.02.: Two talks:
    • 13:15 - 14:45: Elise Walker (Texas A&M) "Toric degenerations and homotopy methods from finite Khovanskii bases"

    • 15:00 - 16:45: Thomas Yahl (Texas A&M) "Solving decomposable sparse polynomial systems"

  • 04.03.: Ksenia Bestuzheva (ZIB, Berlin) "New algorithms for RLT cut separation" (Note: Talk on Wednesday, 13:00, at PK 14.512)

Summer Term 2019

Weekly date during term: Tuesday 15:00-16:30, F513

  • 14.05.: ---
  • 21.05.: Felix Schneppe (TU Braunschweig) "Die Prony-Methode für Legendre-Momente"
  • 28.05.: Nidhi Kaihnsa (MPI MiS, Leipzig) "Computing Convex hull of Trajectories"
  • 04.06.: Khazhgali Kozhasov (TU Braunschweig) "Chebyshev polynomials and best rank-one approximation ratio"
  • 18.06.: Heiko Dietrich (Monash University) "Isomorphism testing for groups of most orders"
  • 25.06.: Janin Heuer (TU Braunschweig) "Nullspace Conditions for Block-Sparse Recovery of Semidefinite Systems"
  • 02.07.: ---
  • 09.07.: ---
  • 16.07.: ---
  • 16.08.: Maurice Rojas (Texas A&M University) "Probabilistic and Diophantine Aspects of Real Sparse Polynomials"
  • 27.08.: Margaret Regan (University of Notre Dame) "Structure of Real Algebraic Varieties via Monodromy and Topology"
  • 27.08.: Mareike Dressler (UC San Diego) "Optimization over the Boolean Hypercube via Sums of Nonnegative Circuit Polynomials"
  • 10.09.: Diego Armentano (Universidad de La Rep ́ublica, Montevideo) "Some Results on the Complexity of the Eigenvalue Problem"