Paula Hainz, student of Environmental Sciences and student assistant in the Department of Climatology & Environmental Meteorology, has been honoured…
Since 16 November 2023, Prof. Dr Boris Schröder-Esselbach is Head of the Department of Plant Ecology at the Institute of Ecology at Technische…
In the TU Magazine, our new colleague, Prof. Magdalena Sut-Lohmann, introduces herself, describing the relevance and content of her research field, as…
We warmly welcome Prof. Magdalena Sut-Lohmann to our institute. She is moving from the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg and will head the "Soil Sciences"…
Damien Finn has been working as a postdoc in the Landscape Ecology & Environmental Systems Analysis group since 1 November 2023. As part of a DFG…
On 13.10.23 Prof. Wolfgang Durner retired with a symposium and a celebration in the Architekturpavillon. We thank him for more than 20 years of…
Julian Fricke successfully defended his dissertation paper titled "Surface complexation and reactive transport modeling: batch sorption and column…
Tobias Bitz will start as a PhD student in the Climatology and Environmental Meteorology group on 01.10.2023. Tobias will work on ultrafine particles…
With the start of the coming winter semester, there will be personnel changes at the Institute of Geoecology (IGÖ), which we would like to briefly…
That research at the IGÖ is also interesting for small and hobby gardeners was perhaps only known to institute insiders until now. In the well-known…
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