Research data and research

Research data life cycle

Research data is generated in the course of scientific projects. It is both the basis and the result of scientific work. Responsible handling of collected research data and the generating software, in the sense of appropriate research data management, serves the goal of traceability and verifiability of research. In the research process, collection, processing, publication and reuse of data are crucial aspects of the research data cycle.

RDM lifecycle

We are looking forward to assist you in all aspects of research data management, including consultations and services on the following topics:

Plan & Propose: research proposal, research funder requirements, data management plan, Research Data Management Organizer (RDMO), TUBS.researchdata consultations

Collect & Prepare: File naming, data formats, data storage, metadata, platforms for active research data management, TUBS.researchdata consultations

Archive & Publish: Data selection, data formats, persistent identifiers (DOI, ORCID), TU BS Open Access guideline, TUBS.research data guideline, guideline for publication of research data, finding repositories, LeoPARD, TUBS.researchdata consultations

Share & Reuse: Metadata, citing research data, legal aspects, open licenses, TUBS.researchdata consultations