Sub Project 3: Surface Water

The SP 3 "surface water" (LWI, TU Braunschweig) is of utmost importance for the research project, since it includes the modeling of water resources with a focus on surface water and water quality. The SP 3 is thus closely related to all subprojects of the 'Management System'. At the same time it serves as an interface to the subproject "Water technology". The intention is to include the cleaning effect, achieved with the pilot plant for companies in the study area, in calculation scenarios like future scenarios, where the effects of these and other plants on the water quality of the Thi Vai River can be forecasted and evaluated. One main objective of SP3 is the development and application of a linked model system for long-term-continuum simulations. The system consists of a hydrological water and mass balance model (model PANTA RHEI by LWI) and a hydrodynamic water quality model (DELFT3D) for the entire te catchment area of the Thi Vai River. Measuring points are established because there are only few hydrometric and water quality data series available. Together with Vietnamese partners extensive data monitoring for about one year will be performed. In parallel the above mentioned single models will be set up. If necessary, process equations will be adjusted to the specific circumstances. The models are first individually calibrated with the appropriate historical data and then coupled in cooperation with SP 9. This coupling is one of the research priorities of TP 3. For the hindcast (past to present) and future scenarios (2040-2070) meteorological time series will be provided by SP2 and the sea water level time series by SP 7. The waste water pollutants load from point sources will be derived from a land register of point emissions, that will be set up by Vietnamese partners in cooperation with SP 8 "Industrial water management". As a result, the impact of anthropogenic influences and climate change first will be quantified "without the use of protection and adaptation technologies". Based on this so called "action scenarios" (options) will be set up, which can be quantified within the management system in use. The data, the model system, and the results will be integrated in the management system (SP 9). A scientific challenge will be the model-technical interaction regarding the water balance and the mass transfer within the SP5. New scientific ground is broken by including the results of SP 6, regarding correlations between modeled water quality and found aquatic organisms in the past until today.


Lorenz, M., Prilop, K., Thang, M. T., Le, H., Hieu, N.D., Meon, G., Quan, N.H. (2014): Ecohydrological modeling of the Thi Vai Catchment in South Vietnam. In: Meon G., Pätsch M., Phuoc N.V., Quan N.H. (eds.) (2014): EWATEC-COAST: Technologies for Environmental and Water Protection of Coastal Zones in Vietnam. Contributions to 4th International Conference for Environment and Natural Resources, ICENR 2014. Cuvillier, Göttingen, Germany. ISSN: 2363-7218. ISBN: 978-3-95404-852-6.

Prilop, K., Lorenz, M., Le, H., Hieu, N. Q., Meon, G., Quan, N. H. (2014): A 3D-hydrodynamic and water quality model of the Thi Vai river under strongly tidal effect. In: Meon G., Pätsch M., Phuoc N.V., Quan N.H. (eds.) (2014): EWATEC-COAST: Technologies for Environmental and Water Protection of Coastal Zones in Vietnam. Contributions to 4th International Conference for Environment and Natural Resources, ICENR 2014. Cuvillier, Göttingen, Germany. ISSN: 2363-7218. ISBN: 978-3-95404-852-6.

Prilop, K., Quan, N. H., Lorenz, M., Le, H., Le, T. H., Meon, G. (2014): Integrated water quality monitoring of the Thi Vai River: An assessment of historical and current situation. In: Meon G., Pätsch M., Phuoc N.V., Quan N.H. (eds.) (2014): EWATEC-COAST: Technologies for Environmental and Water Protection of Coastal Zones in Vietnam. Contributions to 4th International Conference for Environment and Natural Resources, ICENR 2014. Cuvillier, Göttingen, Germany. ISSN: 2363-7218. ISBN: 978-3-95404-852-6.

Lorenz, M. (2015): Entwicklung eines ökohydrologischen Modellsystems auf der Einzugsgebietsskala und Anwendung in den sommerfeuchten Tropen. Dissertation. Abteilung Hydrologie, Wasserwirtschaft und Gewässerschutz am Leichtweiß-Institut für Wasserbau, Technische Universität Braunschweig

Lorenz, M., Zeunert, S., Meon, G. (2016): Ökohydrologische Modellierung eines tidebeeinflussten Einzugsgebietes unter starker anthropogener Nutzung in den sommerfeuchten Tropen. Conference paper: Tag der Hydrologie; Forum für Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung, Koblenz, Germany, Volume: Forum für Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung; Heft 37.16, 407-417;

Meon, G., Lorenz, M., Zeunert, S. (2016): Model applications for prediction of water quality of a river-estuary system in Vietnam. Conference paper: Water security and climate change: challenges and opportunities in Asia, 29th November - 01st December 2016, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand.

Le, T.T.H., Lorenz, M., Zeunert, S., Nguyen, C.V., Meon, G. (2017): Räumliche und zeitliche Variation der Wassermenge und Wasserqualität des Thi Vai Einzugsgebietes in Südvietnam - Datenanalyse eines Monitoringprogramms. - Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung 61 (6), 370-382

Lorenz, M., Zeunert, S., Nguyen, H.Q., Meon, G. (2017): Ökohydrologische Modellierung eines Einzugsgebietes in den sommerfeuchten Tropen im Kontext von Klimawandel und anthropogener Entwicklung. - Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung 61 (6), 408-423

Zeunert, S., Lorenz M., Nguyen, H.Q., Meon, G.(2017): Modellgestützte Untersuchungen der Auswirkungen des Klimawandels und fortschreitender anthropogener Entwicklungen auf die Wasserqualität des tropischen Thi-Vai-Ästuars. - Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung 61 (6), 424-436