Library Home Assignment Sprint

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Starting at 4:45 p.m., in the library's Tünzel Room. No registration required.

Finally finish that one term paper

What we offer: We create a quiet and focused environment especially for you and try to minimize disruptions as much as possible. Your focus is our focus. To that end, we offer help and support in neighboring rooms for literature research, literature management, and overcoming writer's block. And for the breaks (and in between) we provide small refreshments for regeneration with fruit, coffee and cold drinks.

What we expect: Even if no one is scheduled, the beginning and end of the hour blocks should be observed. The work phases run quietly, consultations take place in an extra room if possible.

What we hope: You will advance a personal writing project and learn a method for time management. We look forward to your feedback on whether and to what extent the approach based on the Pomodoro technique has helped you.


We have decided to offer you the UB homework sprint in a way borrowed from the Pomodoro technique.
To do this, we have divided the 3 hours we have with you into three one-hour intervals:

  2. SHORTLY realize the process
  3. Work on the task for 50 minutes
  4. Check off a completed task in a clearly visible way
  5. Take a break for 10 minutes

The Pomodoro method itself, with 25 minutes of work and 5 minutes of break time, is a very good technique for working through (tedious) tasks. It is well described by our colleagues from co3learning.