Sneak Peek TU

Banner zum Sneak Peek 2023

Get a real insight into campus life at TU Braunschweig, on your own or with friends.

At Sneak Peek TU, students will show you the real campus life. Sign up on your own or with friends and experience everyday life on campus. You can attend various real lectures (Open Classroom), get to know the cafeteria and, over a drink in the Campus Café, ask students questions that really interest you at the “Meet and Greet“”: Where do you go out in Braunschweig? How do I organise my studies? Or whatever interests you. Have fun!

The Sneak Peek in Photos

What is it like to study at TU Braunschweig? On 22 June 2023, around 180 high school graduates and prospective students spent a day testing what life as a TU student might be like. After an official welcome, they were introduced to campus life through hands-on workshops, lectures and networking opportunities. See the highlights of the first Sneak Peek at TU Braunschweig in our picture gallery.

Programme Sneak Peak 2023

Within the given programme, all events could be selected individually and visited individually.

09:00 - 09:45
Warm Up on the University Square

09:45 - 11:15
Attend selected lectures from all areas

11:15 - 13:00
Visit to the student councils and groups → Meet the Peers

13:00 - 14:00

14:00 - 14:45
Lecture by the Academic Advice Service “Von der Schule an die Uni: Alles anders? - Vieles anders!” (From school to uni: is everything different? A lot is!)

14:45 - 16:15
Faculty hands-on programme (hands-on workshops, live experiments, lab tours)

16:15 - Open End
Creative networking opportunities (community café, library tour, campus tour)
