Core research area Engineering for Health
Research associate Christian Kölln inspects a cell culture plate with 12 inserts under the sterile workbench.
Diese breite Palette an Arzneiformen zeigt die Vielfältigkeit, mit der Arzneimittel verabreicht werden können. Am Institut für Pharmazeutische Technologie werden viele dieser Arzneiformen aktiv weiterentwickelt.

Researching for Health

Engineering for Health

Our goal is understanding health focused on research of infection mechanisms and maintaining health by providing innovative customized drugs as well as developing new processes and methods in drug production and testing. We work on scientific approaches to make biological processes predictable and research the cost-effective production of patient-specific drugs.

Our research brings together scientists from biology, chemistry, pharmaceutics, physics, mathematics, computer science, process and production engineering, and microtechnology. This enables us to map the entire value chain - from research into the molecular basis of infections and possible drug targets, to drug development, formulation, production and packaging. This interdisciplinary know-how is unique in the German research landscape.

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Braunschweig receives new Leibniz ScienceCampus

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Hijacking: tumour cells reprogramme the immune system

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International graduate school planned with Chile

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Dr. Anita Remus
Managing Director