Invisible Worlds - Family exhibition

BRICS scientists take visitors of the "Invisible Worlds" exhibition on an excursion into the world of microbiology.

Hands-on exhibition for families makes the invisible visible
On November 16, 2023, the "Invisible Worlds" opened - a hands-on exhibition for children and families at the Braunschweig State Museum Hinter Aegidien. Eight pavilions invite families into the themed worlds of Origin, Life, Waves, Thoughts, Mystery, Earth, Brain and Cosmos. At individual hands-on stations, visitors can discover, explore and try things out. Visitors can experiment independently at the interactive stations and get to the bottom of these and many other questions. Inventions that can make the invisible visible are also presented, such as the microscope, X-ray technology and the thermal imaging camera.

"X-Periments Laboratory" - BRICS invites visitors into the world of microbiology
Until the end of the exhibition on August 4, 2024, the "X-Periments Lab" will take place on several Saturdays. Various research institutions will provide visitors with insights into their specialist areas. The first "X-Periments Lab" on November 18, 2023 was offered by Rebekka Biedendieck (Institute of Microbiology) and Meina Neumann-Schaal (Leibniz Institute DSMZ) supported by Frauke Braatz. In a separate room of the exhibition, the BRICS scientists had set up various stands for children aged five and up.

From the light microscope, with which baker's yeast could be observed, the little explorers moved on to black light. Visitors were able to rub their hands with a special disinfectant and then observe their hands in black light to see which areas were well disinfected and which areas were not.

Also on display were luminescent bacteria from the deep sea in a small darkroom. These bacteria like it cold and therefore needed frequent breaks in the cool box. The young researchers learned that these bacteria can also be found in the fluorescent fishing lines of deep-sea frogfish and that the fish use bioluminescence to attract food animals.

At the pipetting stand, the explorers were then able to put their hands to work and pipette colorful water. Equipped with lab coats, safety goggles, gloves and pipettes, they created beautiful colorful works of art.

Next "X-Periments Lab" from BRICS in April
Anyone who missed the "X-Periments Lab" can visit the exhibition on April 6, 2024 - when BRICS scientists will once again introduce visitors to the fascinating world of microbiology. And until then, other research institutions such as the Julius Kühn-Institute, the Leibniz Institute DSMZ, the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, the German Röntgen Museum and others will be providing insights into their specialist areas to make the invisible visible.