Institute for Mathematical Optimization

Institute for Mathematical Optimization

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to the website of the Institute for Mathematical Optimization! We are pleased about your visit!


Research Areas

The research areas of the Institute for Mathematical Optimization are:

The Institute for Mathematical Optimization is a member of  IST.hub.

Industrial partners interested in collaborations are invited to contact us through iTUBS, Technology Transfer Center 134: Mathematical Optimization.


Conference Paper Accepted as Spotlight

Our paper G. Averkov, C. Hojny, M. Merkert: "On the Expressiveness of Rational ReLU Neural Networks With Bounded Depth" has been accepted at the International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2025 and selected for spotlight.

The new semester begins

Many members of the institute met on 22 October 2024 to welcome the new semester with an entertaining game of mini golf and a meal together.

27th Workshop on Future Research in Combinatorial Optimization (FRICO)

Members of the Institute attended the "27th Workshop on Future Research in Combinatorial Optimization" in Magdeburg, Germany.

Conference on Operations Research (OR 2024)

Members of the Institute attended the "Conference on Operations Research (OR 2024)" in Munich, Germany.

31st IFIP TC7 System Modeling and Optimization Conference

Members of the Institute attended the "31st IFIP TC7 System Modeling and Optimization" conference in Hamburg, Germany.



Visitor and Postal Address

Technische Universität Braunschweig
Institut für Mathematische Optimierung
Universitätsplatz 2
38106 Braunschweig


For all inquiries, e.g., organization of (oral) exams, please contact our administration office:

Silke Thiel
Universitätsplatz 2, Room 603

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