News and Events

Engineering for Health Special Guest Talk: Human blood vessel engineering

Josef Penninger, Scientific Director, Head of  "Innovative Organoid Research", Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung

Ribosomen-inaktivierende Proteine: Von der Pflanzenabwehr zur Tumorbekämpfung

Tobias Kruse, 21.05.2024, 15.00, HU 1.1
Scientific lecture followed by a colloquium as part of a habilitation procedure

Inaugurational Lecture: Tiny Tools, Big Discoveries - Exploring Biological Frontiers using Microtechnology

Iordania Constantinou, Institute of Microtechology
16.5.2024, 16.30, Aula Auditorium, House of Science

Inaugurational Lecture: Elektrokatalyse und der Weg zum grünen Wasserstoff

Mehtap Özaslan, Institute of Technical Chemistry
7.5.2024, 17.00, Aula Auditorium, House of Science