Contrastive Grammar

Course content

The purpose of this course is to give an insight into language comparison with a clear focus on English-German contrasts. Starting with an introduction to Contrastive Linguistics (i.e. its major goals, methodology, findings and fields of application) we will go on to compare German and English sentence structure (as well as related morphological aspects) from two perspectives, the descriptive as well as the generative syntactic perspective. Building up on students' knowledge of sentence structure gained in the introductory course, we will look at categories, sentence structure and syntactic movement in more detail, including underlying theoretical principles postulated in generative syntactic theory. Lectures will include practical work in the form of exercises.


Course information

Code 4412037
Degree programme Double major Bachelor’s degree English Studies, MA, Teacher training course: Grundschulen, Haupt- und Realschulen, Gymnasien
Lecturer(s) and contact person Dr. Henrike Comes-Koch
Type of course Exercise course
Semester Summer semester
Language of instruction English
Level of study Bachelor, Master
ECTS credits Please contact the lecturer