Junior Projects

The SFB 880 promotes innovative project ideas in the field "fundamentals of high-lift systems for future commercial aircraft", which have not yet been investigated within the SFB 880. In addition, the SFB 880 encourages young scientists towards scientific independence.

To this purpose, during the first funding cycle and now during the second funding cycle, the SFB 880 has announced calls for proposals by young or even independent scientists. The proposals were evaluated according to predefined and transparent assessment criteria by the board of SFB 880. A total of three projects during the first funding phase and so far two projects during the second funding phase were approved.

The three junior projects during the first funding period of the SFB 880:

  • Dr. Arne Vorreiter, LU Hannover (1): “Machbarkeitsstudie für einen einstufigen Tandem-Axialverdichter zur Versorgung eines aktiven Hochauftriebssystems.”
  • Dr. Thomas Feuerle, TU Braunschweig (2): “Konzept zur Beobachtung einer aktiven Abminderung von Wirbelschleppen hinter einem Flugzeug.”
  • Dr. Richard Semaan, TU Braunschweig (3): “Optimized sensor placement over a 2D airfoil with circulation control.”

The two junior projects so far for the second funding cycle:

  • Dr.-Ing. Malte Misol, DLR Braunschweig (4): “Beeinflussung der Schallabstrahlung von Gridpaneelen mit aktiv-passiv-hybriden (APH) Methoden.”
  • Dr. Noemi Friedman, TU Braunschweig (5): “Robustness, sensitivity analysis and identification of the reduced order model for Coanda blowing flow control for stochastic spectral methods.”