

Kind mit Kopfhörern

As part of the two courses "Moderne Männer, Aktive Väter - Haben Männer ein Vereinbarkeitsproblem?" (Modern Men, Active Fathers - Do Men Have a Compatibility Problem?) and "Between hegemonic and caring masculinity. Einblick in die vielfältigen Lebenswelten von Vätern" (Insight into the diverse lifeworlds of fathers) in the summer semester of 2021, Bachelor students of social sciences at the TU Braunschweig recorded podcasts on various topics of their choice in the areas of masculinity, fathers and fatherhood. With the students' consent, we share the results of the work here, which take a closer look at homosexual fatherhood, fatherhood in the armed forces, forms of fatherhood and the experiences of men when they become fathers.

The podcasts are the results of student work, for which on the one hand scientific, but also journalistic sources and personal experiences were used, and in this respect not scientific results of our research project. Here, the students provide insights into their personal perceptions and exchange views on the topic in an open and relaxed manner according to their own ideas. In this way, we would like to provide an insight into the students' ways of thinking about fatherhood.

What do men experience when they become fathers? (only available in German)

Gay fathers (only available in German)

Fatherhood in the German Armed Forces (only available in German)

Paternity forms (only available in German)

Mann vor dem Laptop mit Kopfhörern
Vater mit zwei Kindern auf dem Arm und den Schultern
Frau mit Handy und Kopfhörern