Parallel Multigrid-Methods for Finite Element

Seminar Scientific Computing - Winter Term 2010/2011

Parallel Multigrid-Methods for Finite Element Problems with Unstructured Meshes

The discretisation of the mathematical description of complex physical systems leads to linear systems. Several methods exist to solve this system - direct and iterative methods. Direct methods solve the linear system exactly, iterative methods approximatly. Iterative methods become interessting in terms of large systems.

The Multigrid-methods are iterative methods which coarsen the fine grid and solve the resulting system directly. Additionally common iterative methods as PCG or SOR are used to reduce high-frequency errors.

This seminar theme deals with parallel Multigrid-methods to solve 2D/3D Finite Element problems. As the discretisation of space is done via unstructured meshes typically, such meshes have to be considered. Thus the main part of this theme contains how to coarse a unstructured mesh automatically and how to parallelise the algorithms.
