Uncertainty Quantification

Uncertainty Quantification, Parametric Problems, and Model Reduction - SoSe2015

General Information

Lecturer Dr. E. Zander


Schedule Lectures: Wed 13:15-14:45 o'clock in room 223 Hans Sommer Str. 65

Exercises: Thu 14:00-14:45 o'clock in room HS 65.4 (GITZ, formerly RZ 012)

Start 15.04.2016

Prerequisites Basic courses up to the intermediate diploma

Target group Students of computer science, mathematics, natural or engineering sciences or guest students in their advanced study period, CSE students

Certificates Homework assignments and active participation in the exercises, tests, grading scheme

Office hours will be announced in the lecture


The content of the lecture is available here: http://www.biblio.tu-bs.de/semapp/ > Prof. Hermann G. Matthies: "Quantifizierung von Unsicherheiten...". (Password will be given during the lecture)


There is no script yet, but an ongoing effort to create one alongside with the lecture. You can see it here, but be aware that it's far from finished. If you spot any errors or inaccuracies or you have any suggestions, please send them to the lecturer of this course.


You can download the software for this course by issuing the following command on the command line:

git clone git://github.com/ezander/sglib-testing

This will create a directory sglib-testing for you, which will contain all the necessary files. Please start matlab from this directory, so that sglib can do its initialisation.

Homework Assignments


Whether there will be a test or oral exams will be decided in the course of this semester.