Get to know Sustainability-initiatives

05 August 2021, 16:00 - 19:00

You want to engage sustainably? But you don't know where? Then join us, brief yourself and connect yourself!


The event will take place on Thursday, 05.08.21 at the FanHaus (Rheingoldstraße 34). There we have the possibility to be outside in good weather and in bad weather we can move inside. At the meeting you will have the chance to talk to representatives of the initiatives present. This gives you an easy access if you want to get involved.


Start at 4 pm. Everyone can come in first. A little later, all initiatives present will give a 60-second pitch and make the initiative palatable to you and other people attending. This will be followed by a "market of opportunities": All people can come to the respective counters of the initiatives and also talk about the work in more depth.
Through the short pitches, you can choose which initiatives you want to talk to before the "market of opportunities".


People with typical COVID-19 disease symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, loss of sense of taste/smell, sore throat) are not allowed to participate in the offer.

There must be proof of a negative test: We offer free self-tests from 15:45. If you do not wish to do a self-test on site under supervision, please bring proof of a negative PoC or PCR coronary test (max. 48 hours old) or proof of vaccination (second vaccination + 14 days) for visual inspection or proof of an infection that has been overcome (no longer than 6 months ago or with additional vaccination). Self-tests that have not been carried out under the visual inspection of the event staff will not be recognised.

The event will take place in compliance with the recommended hygiene concept of the Landesjugendring.

As we will go to the FanHaus in case of bad weather and the sanitary facilities are there, please bring a medical or FFP2 mask.

An attendance list will be kept at each meeting, showing who has taken part in the activities and at what times. This list is kept for 21 days and deleted after one month at the latest.