

Do you already know the SDGs? This is the abbreviation for the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which were formulated by the United Nations in 2015. They call for global sustainable development on an economic, social and ecological level by 2030.

We at TU Braunschweig also have a responsibility to contribute to global justice and sustainable development for present and future generations. In order to anchor the goals at the university and to generate attention for them, we have launched the SDG Mentorship Programme.

The programme includes one-year mentorships for students and staff who deal with these goals in their research, teaching or studies. Meetups with mentors take place throughout the year and students can find exciting courses on the topic in the  “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)“ course catalogue.

In addition, we present the SDG mentors on our Instagram channel on a weekly basis and interview them about their work and commitment to the SDGs.

More info on the SDGs, can be found here.