Info Day Physics for Pupils 2023

On 15.4.2023, schoolgirls and the interested public could gain insights into current research and the daily work of physicists at the TU Braunschweig at the annual Info Day Physics for Pupils. The working groups Urban Geophysics and Space Physics and Technology were present with two booths. Here, visitors could search for the district heating pipes in the front garden of the Physics Institute with a georadar device and get information about the rocket launch of ESA´s JUICE mission the day before and the current mission status at the information booth. A short lecture by Matthias Bücker and Ferdinand Plaschke explored the question of why we can't simply X-ray planets and how we can still get an idea of the structure of our Earth and other bodies in the solar system using electromagnetic waves. With over eighty students exploring the Physics Center that Saturday, also this year´s Info Day Physics for Pupils became a great event!

For those who weren't there, you can get an idea of the day from this short by Liseth Pérez [].