About the institute

Research assistants

There are always vacancies for research assistants at the Institute. Interested parties are welcome to send an unsolicited application electronically. In almost all cases, it is also possible to join a research project via a Master's thesis.

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin bzw. wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter zum Thema „Charakterisierung von Foulingvorgängen mithilfe mikrostrukturierter Apparate“

Research Associate / Postdoc / Doctoral Candidate (m/f/d) in the field of polymerization fouling



Student assistants

HiWi positions are the best introduction to scientific work. The ICTV is regularly looking for new HiWis.

You can find more information on the topics and the relevant contact person by clicking on the headings. If you have not found what you are looking for here or in the newsletter, unsolicited applications are always welcome.


Studentische Hilfskraft für experimentelle Untersuchungen an Verdampferanlage

Studentische Hilfskraft im Bereich Apparateentwicklung und Kristallisation